

Shruti Bhilare

Shruti Bhilare
PhD (Computer Science and Engineering), IIT Indore
079-68261651 # 4208, FB-4, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India – 382007 shruti_bhilare[at]daiict[dot]ac[dot]in https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=zlvqa7IAAAAJ, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-shruti-bhilare-6276222b

Dr. Shruti Bhilare is an assistant professor in Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar since July 2019. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India. Her research interests include pattern recognition and image processing with focus on biometric applications. She received her B.E. and M.E. (with specialization in Software Engineering) degrees in Computer Engineering from Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya university Indore, India, in 2009 and 2011, respectively.

Biometrics, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing


  • S. Bhilare, V. Kanhangad, N. Chaudhari, “A study on vulnerability and presentation attack detection in palmprint verification system”, Pattern Analysis And Applications (PAAA),21(3), pp. 769-782, 2018.
  • S. Bhilare, G. Jaswal, V. Kanhangad, A. Nigam, “Single sensor hand-vein multimodal biometric recognition using multiscale deep pyramidal approach”, Machine Vision and Applications, 29(8), pp. 1269-1286, 2018.
  • S. Bhilare, V. Kanhangad, “Securing palm-vein sensors against presentation attacks using image noise residuals”, SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, 27(5), pp. 053028, 2018.


  • V. Kanhangad, S. Bhilare, P. Garg, P. Singh and N. Chaudhari, “Anti-spoofing for display and print attacks on palmprint verification systems”, in proc. Society of Photo-optical Instrument Engineers (SPIE) Defense + Security, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, May 2015, pp. 94570E-94570E.
  • I. Patil, S. Bhilare and V. Kanhangad, “Assessing vulnerability of dorsal hand-vein verification system to spoofing attacks using smartphone camera”, in proc. IEEE international conference on Identity, Security and Behaviour Analysis (ISBA), Sendai, Japan, March 2016, pp. 1-6.
  • S. Bhilare, V. Kanhangad and N. Chaudhari, “Histogram of oriented gradients based presentation attack detection in dorsal hand-vein biometric system”, in proc. IAPR Machine Vision and Applications (MVA), Nagoya, Japan, May 2017, pp. 39-42.
  • Z. Boulkenafet, J. Komulainen, Z. Akhtar, A. Benlamoudi, S. Bekhouche, A. Ouafi, F. Dornaika, A. Taleb-Ahmed ,L. Qin, F. Peng, L.B. Zhang, M. Long, S. Bhilare, V. Kanhangad, A. Costa-Pazo, E. Vazquez-Fernandez, D.P´erez-Cabo, J. J. Moreira-P´erez, D. Gonz´alez-Jim´enez , A. Mohammadi, S.Bhattacharjee, S.Marcel, S.Volkova, Y. Tang, N. Abe, L. Li, X. Feng, Z. Xia, X. Jiang, S. Liu, R. Shao, P. C. Yuen, W. Almeida, F.Andal´o, R. Padilha, G. Bertocco, W. Dias, J. Wainer, R. Torres, A. Rocha, M. A. Angeloni, G. Folego, A.Godoy and A. Hadid, “A competition on generalized software-based face presentation attack detection in mobile scenarios”, in proc. IEEE international joint conference on biometrics (IJCB), Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., October 2017, pp. 688-696.
  • S. Garg, S. Bhilare, V.Kanhangad, “Subband analysis for performance improvement of replay attack detection in speaker verification systems”, in proc. IEEE international conference on Identity, Security and Behaviour Analysis (ISBA), Hyderabad, 2019.
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