

Rahul Muthu

Rahul Muthu
PhD (Mathematics), Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
079-68261564, 9586478239 # 1202, FB-1, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India – 382007 rahul_muthu[at]daiict[dot]ac[dot]in

I obtained my Ph.D. (2008) in the field of Theoretical Computer Science. The title of my thesis is “Acyclic Edge Colouring: Bounds and Algorithms”. I carried out the research towards my Ph.D. at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India under the guidance of Prof. C.R. Subramanian.

I worked under a post-doctoral fellowship at Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Universite Paris Sud, Orsay, France (2009). I worked in a team headed by Prof. Yannis Manoussakis and conducted research in the field of Structures in Edge Coloured Graphs.

I currently work at DA-IICT and my broad research interests lie in the field of Graph Algorithms. I have guided one Ph.D. student, Mahipal Jadeja who defended his thesis (2018) titled “Set Labelling of Vertices and Study of Auxiliary Graphs”. I have also guided around ten M.Tech. Theses and several B.Tech. Projects.

My current research problems include:
-Defining auxiliary or other graph classes and/or obtaining mathematical characterizations and algorithms for them;
-Weight assignment to edges of complete graphs to yield a prespecified number of minimum weight spanning trees.

I teach courses in Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematics.

Graph Theory, Data Structures, Algorithms, Automata Theory


  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Improved bounds on Acyclic Edge Colouring
    Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics, GRACO-2005, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 19, Pages 171-177.
  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Optimal acyclic edge colouring of grid-like graphs
    Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, COCOON-2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, volume 4112, pages 360-367.
  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Acyclic Edge colouring of Outerplanar graphs
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, AAIM-2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, volume 4508, pages 144-152.
  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    k-intersection Colouring
    12th Workshop on Graph Theory; Colourings, Indepen- dence and Domination, CID 2007.
  • V. Borozan, W. Fernandez de la Vega, Y. Manoussakis, C. A. Martinhon, R. Muthu and R. Saad
    Colored Trees in Edge-Colored Graphs
    8th CTW09, Paris, June 2009.
  • Raquel Agueda, Valentin Borozan, Yannis Manoussakis, Gervais Mendy and Rahul Muthu
    Sufficient conditions for the existence of spanning colored trees in edge-colored graphs
    8th French Combinatorial Conference, Paris, June, 2010.
  • R. Goyal, M. Jadeja, R. Muthu and B. Patel
    A New Characterisation of Total Graphs
    19th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2016), Hakodate, Japan, 2016.
  • M. Jadeja and R. Muthu
    Labeled Object Treemap: A New Graph-Labeling Based Technique for Visualizing
    Multiple Hierarchies
    19th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2016), Hakodate, Japan, 2016.


  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Improved bounds on acyclic edge coloring
    Discrete Mathematics, volume 307, number 23, 2007, pages 3063-3069.
  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Optimal acyclic edge coloring of grid like graphs
    Discrete Mathematics 310 (21), 2769-2775.
  • R Agueda, V Borozan, Y Manoussakis, G Mendy, R Muthu
    Sufficient conditions for the existence of spanning colored trees in edge-colored
    Discrete Mathematics 312 (17), 2694-2699
  • M. Jadeja, R. Muthu and V. Sunitha
    Set Labelling Vertices To Ensure Adjacency Coincides with Disjointness
    Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol. 63, pages 237-244
  • M. Jadeja and R. Muthu
    Labeled Object Treemap: A New Graph-Labeling Based Technique for Visualizing
    Multiple Hierarchies
    Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 49-62, January 2017.
  • M. Jadeja and R. Muthu
    Uniform Set Labelling Vertices To Ensure Adjacency Coincides With Disjointness
    Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 537-553, May 2017.
  • V. Borozan, W. Fernandez de la Vega, Y. Manoussakis, Rahul Muthu and Hong-Phong Pham
    Trees in Edge-Colored graphs
    European Journal of Combinatorics -Elsevier- (accepted and in press), 2018.


  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Acyclic Edge Colouring of Partial 2-Trees.
  • Rahul Muthu and C.R. Subramanian
    Cartesian Products and Acyclic Edge Colouring.
  • Rahul Muthu, N. Narayanan and C.R. Subramanian
    Some graph classes satisfying acyclic edge colouring conjecture.
  • Abhishek Garg, Mahipal Jadeja and Rahul Muthu
    Spanning Tree Auxiliary Graphs.
  • Data Structures
  • Introduction to Graph Theory
  • Formal Specification & Verification
  • Approximation Algorithms
  • Design & Analysis of Algorithms
  • Graph Theory & Algorithms
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