I am an Assistant Professor from 02nd January, 2023-Present in the Department of Mathematics, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujrat India. Earlier, I was a Postdoctoral fellow in Mathematics at Harish-Chandra Research Institute from 16th September, 2022 to 31st December, 2022. Before that, I was a Visiting fellow in Mathematics at TIFR Mumbai from 2nd August, 2022 to 15th September, 2022. My mentor was Prof. Amitava Bhattacharya. Before that, I was a Postdoctoral fellow in Mathematics at IISc, Bangalore from 1st July, 2019 to 30th June, 2022. My mentor was Prof. Arvind Ayyer. I finished my Ph.D in Visva-Bharati University. I defended my Ph.D. thesis in June, 2019.
Algebraic graph theory, Algebraic combinatorics
(with H. K. Dey) On the proper enhanced power graphs of finite nilpotent groups, Journal of Group Theory 25 (2022) 1109-1131.
Line graph characterization of power graphs of finite nilpotent groups, Communications in Algebra, 50 (2022) 4652-4668.
Enumeration of weighted paths on a digraph and block hook determinant, Special Matrices, 9 (2021) 197–211.
(with H. K. Dey and S.K. Mukherjee) On the connectivity of enhanced power graph of finite group, Graphs and Combinatorics, 37 (2021) 591–603.
Combinatorialization of Sury and McLaughlin Identities and General Linear Recurrences by a Unified Approach, Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, ECA 1:1 (2021), S2R5.
(with S. K. Mukherjee), Generalized power sum and Newton-Girard identities, Graphs and Combinatorics, 36 (2020) 1957–1964.
(with S. K. Mukherjee) Combinatorial proofs of the Newton–Girard and Chapman–Costas-Santos identities, Discrete Mathematics, 342 (2019) 1577–1580.
(with S. K. Mukherjee) A simple elementary proof of “The Unimodularity Theorem” of Oliver Knill, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 547 (2018) 124–127.
(with S. K. Mukherjee) Combinatorial proofs of some determinantal identities, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66 (2018), 1659–1667.
On the intersection power graph of a finite group, Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 6 (1) (2018), 178–189.
(with A. K. Bhuniya) On enhanced power graphs of finite groups, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 17:8 (2018), 8 pages.
(with A. K. Bhuniya) Normal subgroup based power graphs of a finite group, Communications in Algebra, 45:8(2016), 3251–3259.
(with A. K. Bhuniya) On some characterizations of strong power graphs of finite groups, Spec. Matrices, 4(2016), 121–129.