

Conference Papers

  • Jain, Shalabh; Mitra, Suman K. Banerjee, Asim and Roy, Anil K. A graphical approach for fingerprint verificationin Proceedings 3rd IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE2006),
  • Bhatt, Krutarth; Mitra, Suman K. and Roy, Ashim A hybrid approach to noise resilient digital image watermarkingin Proceedings of WCVGIP 2006,
  • Saraswat, Prabhat K.; Reddy, N. Vinod and Ranjan, Prabhat. A novel approach for instruction level power modeling of embedded systemsin Proceedings of National Conference on Embedded Systems,
  • Mathuria, Anish; Choo, K. and Boyd, C Secure key agreement protocols efficient in messages and roundsin Proceedings of INDOCRYPT 2005-6th International Conference on Cryptology,
  • Mathuria, Anish and Jain Vipul. On efficient key agreement protocols Cryptology ePrint archive
  • Bhandari, Kunal; Mitra, Suman K. and Jadhav, Ashish. A hybrid approach to digital image watermarking using SVD and spread spectrumin Proceedings of First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, (PReMI'05),
  • Dual-band microstrip patch antenna
  • Mitra, Suman K., Color transfer using motion estimations and its application to video compression, in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP2005),
  • Pulipati, Suryanarayana; Mitra, Suman K. Banerjee, Asim and Roy, Anil K. A morphology based approach for car license plate extractionin Proceedings of IEEE INDICON 2005,
  • Athale, Suprita S.; Mitra, Suman K. and Banerjee, Asim. A fractal based approach for face recognitionin Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing,
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