
Madhumita Mazumdar

Madhumita Mazumdar
Madhumita Mazumdar
PhD (Modern History), University of Calcutta, Calcutta

Contact Details

# 2111, FB-2, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India – 382007


Prof. Madhumita Mazumdar is a senior faculty in the Humanities and Social Sciences. She teaches courses in the BTech, MDes ( CD) and PhD programmes. Prof. Mazumdar holds a doctorate in History from the University of Calcutta.

Her research interests are in social and cultural histories of Science, Technology and Design. She also does collaborative research with Prof. Vishvajit Pandya in colonial and post- colonial histories of the Andaman Islands. She is co- author of the book titled, "New Histories of the Andaman Islands: Place, Space and Identity in the Bay of Bengal, 1790-2012" published in 2016 by the Cambridge University Press, UK 2016 https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139924641

Currently she has a book contract with Bloomsbury Press, UK to work on the early career of design pedagogy and progressive education at the National Institute of Design, India.

She has published several articles and chapters in peer- reviewed journals and books and has participated in numerous national and international conferences.


Social and Cultural History Science, Technology and Design, History of Modernity and Developmental Practice in Colonial and Post-Colonial India, Economic and Social History of Gujarat



  • Clare Anderson, Madhumita Mazumdar, and Vishvajit Pandya -New Histories of the Andaman Islands –Landscape, Place and Identity in the Bay of Bengal 1790—2012,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016

Book Chapters and Articles:

  • Madhumita Mazumdar and Vishvajit Pandya, “Dr.Kar I presume?” Medical narratives in the Jarawa Tribal Reserve”, in Guy Attewell and Rohan Debroy (eds) Locating the Medical: Explorations in South Asian History, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2018
  • “Science and the making of a new colonial masculinity in Bengal” in Sumi Krishna and Gita Chadha (Eds) Feminists and Science: Critiques and Changing Perspectives in India Vol 2, SAGE, LA/London/New Delhi
  • “Negotiating Gandhi- The “Life and Experiences” of Acharya P.C.Ray,” in History and Sociology of South Asia, 6 (1), 23-29, SAGE, New Delhi, DOI:1177/223080751100600102
  • “P.C Ray and the Making of an Indian School of Chemistry, Calcutta 1889-1924 in Uma Dasgupta and D. P. Chattopadhyay (eds) History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization vol.XV, Part Four, Science and Modern India 1784- 1947,New Delhi, Pearson Education India.


  • Btech (Open Electives) Culture, Politics, Identity and Approaches to Globalization
  • MDes (CD) Introduction to the History of Design, Thematic Seminar and Research Proposal Writing
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