Grievance Redressal Procedure for Students and Employees

The community of the Institute should resolve all issues through discussions and negotiations by Grievance Redressal procedure of the Institute in order to smooth functioning of academic and administrative activities of the Institute.
Grievance refers to any of the students’/employees’ dissatisfaction or not in agreement with any aspect of the Institute’s activities and services including those of other students or employees.
Student shall mean a student on the current rolls of the Institute.
Employee shall mean a member of faculty or an officer or staff of the Institute on the rolls of the Institute.
- 1. Scope
- 2. Nature of Grievances
- 3. Authority and Procedure for Redressal of Grievances
- 4. Grievance Handling and Resolution Procedure
- 5. Confidentiality and Prevention of Grievance
1. Scope
The scope of these rules is to maintain an effective grievance handling system for its students and employees. The standing operative principals of Grievance Redressal Handling System (GRHS) are:
- To ensure that GRHS functions in a proactive manner and has preventive measures in place by constantly evaluating systems and processes. The GRHS must find appropriate solutions to avoid the recurrence of the same or similar problems in the future. Should a problem still arise, the purpose of the GRHC is to seek redressal through a fair investigation and resolution; and
- To ensure that any grievances are resolved promptly,objectively and with sensitivity;
Note: Matters related to Disciplinary Action Committee and Gender Cell are out of scope of the GRHS.
2. Nature of Grievances
The GRHS of the Institute accounts for addressing student grievances and employee grievances.
2.1 Student Grievances
- Grievances against Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
- Grievances against Registration, Fees, Results and Transcripts
- Grievances against Internships and Placement
- Grievances against General Amenities and Services
- Student to Student Grievances
2.2 Employee Grievances
- Faculty Grievances
- Staff Grievances
3. Authority and Procedure for Redressal of Grievances
Levels for Grievance Redressal procedure for Students, Faculty, and Staff are mentioned in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3, respectively. Grievance, submitted formally, should be addressed as per the Table 1, 2, 3 with respect to applicable levels and stipulated timeframe.
- Grievances of the students be resolved by their respective course instructor/mentor of the course/ Program coordinator/ Program Convenor/ Deans Office/ Hostel Wardens/ Registrar’s office/ Controller of Examinations Office/ Placement Office.
- Grievances of the faculty and staff shall, as far as possible, be resolved by their respective reporting authority.
The grievance redressal procedure has three levels of which, Level-III is the highest level. The decision of the Level-III authority will be final, and no further appeal will be entertained under any circumstances. Formal grievances shall be submitted in writing stating complete facts and supporting evidence to the Level-Ig of Grievance handling authority, as applicable in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
Grievance Redressal Handling Committee (GRHC) of the Institute
Prof. Madhumita Mazumdar | Chairperson |
Dean-Academic Programs | Member |
Dean-Students | (ex-officio) Member |
Director-IQAC | (ex-officio) Member |
Prof. Jaideep Mulherkar, | Member |
Deputy Registrar | (ex-officio) Member Secretary |
Terms of Reference of GRHC
- To provide proper opportunity to the complainant to formally present his/her case along with the relevant documents in support.
- To ensure timely disposal of the matter within the stipulated period.
- To ensure the privacy of all parties during the redressal process.
- The quorum of the meeting will be one half of the total members.
Conflict of interest: Any person in the Designated Authority as mentioned in Table 1, 2, 3, should declare his/her conflict of interest before taking up or getting involved in GRHS.
Table 1: Grievance Redressal Authority for Students:- Click Here
Table 2: Grievance Redressal Authority for Faculty:- Click Here
Table 3: Grievance Redressal Authority for Staff:- Click Here
4. Grievance Handling and Resolution Procedure
The following procedure will be followed by students/faculty/staff to submit a grievance to the appropriate authority mentioned in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 as applicable.
- Formal complaint by the aggrieved person shall be submitted in writing to the Level-I authority in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 as appropriate.
- The designated authority may allow an opportunity to the complainant (both the parties) to formally present his/her case along with the relevant documents in support. The authority may also seek clarification from the complainant or call for further facts on the matter. Clarification may also be sought by written or verbal request or by face-to-face interaction with the complainant.
- The authority concerned will then endeavour to respond the grievance as soon as possible, but within one week and convey the outcome/action taken to the complainant or forward the same to Level-II authority.
- If the matter is forwarded to Level-II authority, the authority will discuss the matter with the complainant and other appropriate concerned to respond the grievance within one week from the receiving the appeal and convey the outcome/action taken to the complainant or forward the same to Level-III authority.
- If the matter is forwarded to Level-III authority, the authority may get the matter investigated through a designated subcommittee, or arrive at a decision within two weeks from the receiving the appeal. The decision of the Level-III authority will be final, and no further appeal will be entertained under any circumstances.
5. Confidentiality and Prevention of Grievance
Grievances should be submitted to the designated authority as mentioned in Table 1, 2, 3. During the grievance redressal process, confidentiality and privacy of the matter and concerned involved will be maintained by the designated authority.
Prevention of grievances is also important. All primary complaints, if not attended to, may later assume the form of grievance and should, therefore, be looked into at the initial stage itself. Redressal of grievances through the prescribed procedure should be viewed only as a last resort. Records concerning grievances handled under this procedure and their outcomes shall be maintained for a period of five years. There will be no cost to the complainant for utilizing this grievance and appeals process.
Grievance Submission Mechanism
- Digitally through an Online Portal regulated by the Institute. Click Here
- Filled-in Hardcopy form and email the same to grievance handling authority as mentioned in Table 1, 2, 3. Hardcopy form can be collected from Deans office, Registrar’s office, IQAC office and Hostel Wardens.
In case of any false or frivolous complaint, the Designated Authority as mentioned in Table 1, 2, 3, may advise for an appropriate action against the complainant, which the GRHC may or may not follow. However, number of such cases are to be monitored to understand if the students tend to use this privilege to protect their failures for whatsoever reason.