
Prosenjit Kundu

Prosenjit Kundu
Prosenjit Kundu
PhD (Mathematics), National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

Contact Details

# 2211, FB-2, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India – 382007


Prosenjit Kundu is an Assistant Professor at DAIICT, Gandhinagar. Before joining here at DAIICT he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, USA. Prior to that he was a postdoctoral fellow at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Formerly he was a Visiting Scientist at Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata. Prosenjit received his PhD degree in 2019 from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur and M.Sc in Mathematics with Computer Applications in 2013. The research interest of Prosenjit mainly focuses on collective behavior of networked dynamical systems which include studying synchronization, dimension reduction of networked dynamical systems etc. Prosenjit is also interested in data science. He is interested in studying the empirical water distribution networks. He has collaborators in countries like India, USA, France, Italy, Israel, Japan, China and look forward to make many more. Prosenjit is a potential reviewer of many internationally reputed journals like Communications Physics, Chaos, Complexity, Physica D, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Physical Review etc. He has presented my research works in many international conferences in India, France, Italy, Israel, USA.


Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Complex Networks, Dynamical Systems


  • Symmetry invariance in nonlinear dynamical complex networks,
    Authors: Abhijit Mondal, Subrata Ghosh, Prosenjit Kundu, Pitambar Khanra, Stefano Boccaletti, Pinaki Pal, Chittaranjan Hens.
    Journal Ref.: Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 185,  115002 (2024).
  • Impact of phase lag on synchronization in frustrated Kuramoto model with higher-order interactions,
    Authors: Sangita Dutta, Abhijit Mondal, Prosenjit Kundu, Pitambar Khanra, Pinaki Pal, and Chittaranjan Hens.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E, 108, 034208 (2023) (Corresponding author).
  • Perfect synchronization in complex networks with higher order interactions,
    Authors: Sangita Dutta, Prosenjit Kundu, Pitambar Khanra, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E, 108, 024304 (2023) (Corresponding author).
  • Dimension reduction in higher order contagious phenomena,
    Authors: Subrata Ghosh, Pitambar Khanra, Prosenjit Kundu, Peng Ji, Dibakar Ghosh and Chittaranjan Hens.
    Journal Ref.: Chaos, 33, 053117 (2023) (Corresponding author).
  • Early Warnings for Multistage Transitions in Dynamics on Networks,
    Authors: Neil G MacLaren, Prosenjit Kundu and Naoki Masuda.
    Journal Ref.: Proc. Royal Society Interface 20, 20220743 (2023).
  • Mean-field theory for double-well systems on degree-heterogeneous networks,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu, Neil G. MacLaren, Hiroshi Kori, and Naoki Masuda.
    Journal Ref.: Proc. Royal Soc. A, 478, 20220350 (2022).
  • Dimension reduction of dynamical systems on networks with leading and nonleading eigenvectors of adjacency matrices,
    Authors: Naoki Masuda and Prosenjit Kundu.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023257 (2022)
  • Accuracy of a one-dimensional reduction of dynamical systems on networks,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu, Hiroshi Kori, and Naoki Masuda.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E 105, 024305 (2022).
  • Identifying symmetries and predicting cluster synchronization in complex networks,
    Authors: Pitambar Khanra, Subrata Ghosh, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Prosenjit Kundu, Stefano Boccaletti, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal
    Journal Ref.: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 155, 111703 (2022).
  • Increased pattern similarity in two major olfactory cortices despite higher sparseness levels,
    Authors: Chaviva Moshavi, Prosenjit Kundu, Mor Barak, and Rafi Haddad.
    Journal Ref.: bioRxiv (2021).
  • Optimizing synchronization in multiplex networks of phase oscillators,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu, Pitambar Khanra, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Europhys. Lett. 129, 30004 (2020).
  • Amplification of hysteresis loop in complex networks,
    Authors: Pitambar Khanra, Prosenjit Kundu, Pinaki Pal, Peng Ji, and Chittaranjan Hens.
    Journal Ref.: Chaos 30, 031101 (2020).
  • Diffusion dynamics of a conductance based neuronal population,
    Authors: Argha Mondal, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay, M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, Prosenjit Kundu, Chittaranjan Hens.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E 99, 042307 (2019).
  • Synchronization transition in Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model on complex networks with partial degree-frequency correlation,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Chaos 29, 013123 (2019).
  • Emergent dynamics in delayed attractive-repulsively coupled networks,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu, Lekha Sharma, Mauparna Nandan, Dibakar Ghosh, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Chaos 29, 013112 (2019)
  • Explosive synchronization in phase-frustrated multiplex networks,
    Authors: Pitambar Khanra, Prosenjit Kundu, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E 98, 052315 (2018)
  • Perfect synchronization in networks of phase-frustrated oscillators,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu,Chittaranjan Hens, Baruch Barzel, and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Europhys. Lett. 120, 40002 (2017).
  • Transition to synchrony in degree-frequency correlated Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model,
    Authors: Prosenjit Kundu, PitambarKhanra, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E 96, 052216 (2017).
  • Different routes to chaos in low Prandtl-number Rayleigh–Bénard convection,
    Authors: Nandukumar Yada, Prosenjit Kundu, Supriyo Paul and Pinaki Pal.
    Journal Ref.: Int. Jour. of Non-Linear Mech. 81, 261-267 (2016).


Post PhD

  • Engineering Mathematics I (ED 111) (UG course) at DAIICT, India. (Role: Instructor) (Autumn 2023)
  • Algebraic Structures (MC 313) (UG course) at DAIICT, India. (Role: Instructor) (Autumn 2023)
  • Calculus (SC 107) (UG course) at DAIICT. (Role: Shared Instructor) (Summer 2023)
  • Discrete Mathematics (SC205) (UG course) at DAIICT, India. (Role: Shared Instructor) (Winter 2023)
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra (MTH 309) (UG course) at SUNY Buffalo, USA (Role: Instructor) (Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Two courses in Fall 2021)

During PhD

  • Partial Differential Equation of MA331 (UG course) ( odd semesters of 2014, 2016) (Role: Shared Instructor) (NIT Durgapur, India).
  • Ordinary Differential Equation of MA02 (UG course) (even semesters of 2015, 2017) (Role: Shared Instructor) (NIT Durgapur, India).
  • Complex Analysis of MA331 (UG course) (odd semesters of 2015, 2017) (Role: Shared Instructor) (NIT Durgapur, India).
  • Linear Algebra of MA02 (UG course) (even semesters of 2016, 2017) (Role: Shared Instructor) (NIT Durgapur, India).
  • Programming Language Lab (Masters course)(odd semesters of 2014, 2015, 2016) (NIT Durgapur, India).
  • Numerical Analysis Lab (Masters course)(Even semesters of 2015, 2016) (NIT Durgapur, India).

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1. Satyaki Roy

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