Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar
Literature, Religious, Cultural History; South Asian Civilization Studies
Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Adversarial Machine Learning
Indian Literature, The English Novel, Sexuality Studies, 19th Century Literature
Design, Analysis and Implementation of Algorithms for Problems arising in Computational Geometry, Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, and Data Science.
Optical Communication - Fiber Optic and Free Space, Photonic Devices and Subsystems, Sensors, Image and Signal Processing, Nonlinear Systems and Chaos, System Dynamics Modelling of Education
Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Operating systems
Cellular and Satellite Communication System Design, RF Propagation, Earth Systems Sciences.
Applied Economics
RF and Microwave Engineering, Microwave Nondestructive Testing of Composite Materials, Biomedical Applications of Microwaves, Electromagnetic Imaging of Complex Dielectric Bodies, Microwave Measurements and Characterization of Nonlinear Dielectric…
Design Research, Artificial Intelligence, Gaming, Customer engagement
VLSI Design, CMOS Circuits and Technology, Biomedical Signal Processing Chip Design
Information Retrieval, Information Filtering, Data Science, Fuzzy Logic
Intellectual history with a focus on capacious concepts; The imagining of modern India with special reference to 19th & early 20th century Bengal; Vivekananda; Tagore; Gandhi; Post Colonialism; Mahabharata.
Data Analytics, Cyber Physical Systems, Signal and Image Processing, Computer Vision, Media Security, Communications
Software Engineering
English Poetry and Theory; English Pedagogy and Politics of the discipline; Indian and western narrative traditions
Translation; Allusion, intertextuality and interge…
Database Management, Distributed Database Management, Edge Computing
Information Retrieval/Data Mining/AI on Legal Domain
Rabindra Sangeet, North Indian, Classical, India Film Music and History
Economics, Psychology, Soft skills.
Certifications in Basic counseling course – Counseling development program (CDP), Advanced counseling course (ADP), Theoretical and experiential training on Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)…
Information Retrieval, and Interaction Design
Interaction Design Immersive Experience Design
Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models, Information Retrieval, Deep Learning
Animation Film Making, Screenwriting, Story-telling, Character Design, Photography, Illustration, Voice Acting
Photography, Traveling, Research & Documentation on various crafts
Big Data Analytics, Dynamic Data Assimilation and Its Applications, Multi-Agent Dynamics and Network Science, Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers, Learning Algorithms and Computational Finance.
Remote sensing and GIS, Precision agriculture, and Crop modelling precision agriculture
Information Science, Cognitive Similarity Learning in Information Retrieval and Information Management
a. Integrated Interdisciplinary Design b. Design and Technology c. Aesthetic Detailings and Manufacturing d. Radical and Incremental Innovation.