Mahipal Jadeja, Muthu, Rahul, Labeled object treemap: A new graph labeling based technique for visualizing multiple hierarchies, "Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics", 13(1), pp. 49-62, January, 2017.
Mahipal Jadeja, Rahul Muthu, and V. Sunitha, Set Labelling Vertices To Ensure Adjacency Coincides With Disjointness, "Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics", 63(), pp. 237-244, December, 2017.
Mahipal Jadeja, and Rahul Muthu, Uniform set labeling vertices to ensure adjacency coincides with disjointness, "Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science", 7(3), pp. 537-553, May, 2017.
Rahul Muthu, and Mahipal Jadeja, "Object Treemap: A new technique for visualizing multiple hierarchies, " In WAAC 2016., , 2016.
Mahipal Jadeja, Rahul Muthu, and V. Sunitha, "Set Labelling Vertices To Ensure Adjacency Coincides With Disjointness, " In CTGTC 2016., , 2016.
Rahul Muthu, and Mahipal Jadeja, "Object Treemap: A new technique for visualizing multiple hierarchies, " In WAAC 2016., , 2016.
Mahipal Jadeja, Rahul Muthu, and V. Sunitha, "Set Labelling Vertices To Ensure Adjacency Coincides With Disjointness, " In CTGTC 2016., , 2016.