Quantum Computation and Information, Quantum Spin Systems, Mathematical Finance
Classical and entanglement-assisted capacity of a qubit depolarizing memory channel, International Journal of quantum information 1650017, World Scientific 2016.
Entropy rate calculations of algebraic measures, Proceedings of International Symposium on Information theory (ISIT), Boston, USA, 2012 (with K. Marchand, B. Nachtergaele).
Implementing quantum gates using the ferromagnetic quantum spin chain with kink conditions, New Journal of Physics, Focus issue on Quantum Information and many body theory, 2010. (with B. Nachtergaele, T. Michoel).
Isolated eigenvalues of the ferromagnetic spin-J XXZ chain with kink boundary conditions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (01), P01016, 2008 (With B. Nachtergaele, R. Sims, S. Starr)