Agarwal Pramod, Dubey Rahul, Vasantha M. K. Design of DC drive peripheral IP for system-on-chip applicationsin
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Intelligent System and Control, 2005, pp.627-632.
Sanjeev Gupta A novel approach to the design and implementation of 3-Db lange coupler for Mmic Ka-Band Qpsk modula...
presented at the XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science New Delhi, Oct., 2005.
Alok K. Jain, Jadhav Ashish Performance of VBLAST and cooperative diversity in a correlated rayleigh fading environment distribu...
Proceedings of Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks, Allahabad, Mar., 2005.
Naresh jotwani Cost-benefit analysis of providing rural knowledge connectivityin
Proceedings of the 93rd Indian Science Congress, Hyderabad, 2005, pp.1-6.
Naresh jotwani Hierarchical online mining for associative rulesin
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management of Data: COMAD2005b, Hyderabad, 2005.
Naresh jotwani, Maitra Anutosh, Modi Bhavesh Refinements to minimum interference routing for traffic engineeringin
Proceedings of IEEE Indicon 2005, Chennai.
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Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD) 2005, pp. 58-67.
Maitra Anutosh, Mitra Suman K., Trivedi Jigish A hybrid approach to speaker recognition in multi-speaker environmentin
Proceedings of First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, (PReMI'05), [LNCS, vol. 3776], Kolkata, Dec., 18-22, 2005, pp. 272-275.
Boyd, Anish Mathuria Secure key agreement protocols efficient in messages and roundsin
Proceedings of INDOCRYPT 2005-6th International Conference on Cryptology, Bangalore, 2005.