
Physics and Mathematical Sciences

Research Overview

For several years, DA-IICT has served as a premier training and research ground for ICT. Basic sciences are very much a central part of ICT research and teaching. Research in basic sciences at DA-IICT is primarily conducted in the areas of Mathematics and Physics and is both theoretical and computational in nature. Pure, applied as well as interdisciplinary studies of complex systems is being pursued. Broadly, the areas under study are frame theory, fractional differential equations, mathematical logic, fluid dynamics, astrophysics, quantum computation and information, general relativity, plasma physics, electromagnetics, granular systems and nonlinear waves. Interdisciplinary research is carried out in the areas of mathematical finance, sociophysics, stock markets, systems Biology and Bioinformatics.


  • Prof. Anil Roy: Applications of Image Processing, Fiber Optics and Optical Communication, High speed Semiconductor Devices, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Quantum Optics, Technologies for Humanitarian Challenges
  • Prof. Arnab Ray: Astrophysical Accretion, Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Systems
  • Prof. Arpita Mal: Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Geometry of Banach Space
  • Prof. Bhaskar Chaudhury: Computational Plasma Physics, Computational Data Science, High Performance Scientific Computing, Parallel Programming, Data Visualization, Applications of AI/ML
  • Prof. Gautam Dutta: Quantum mechanics, quantum computation and information and certain aspects of general relativity.
  • Prof. Gopinath Panda: Modeling Software-defined Networks, Decision-making under Uncertainty, Queuing Games, Modeling of Healthcare Services
  • Prof. Jaideep Mulherkar: Quantum Computation and Information, Quantum Spin Systems, Mathematical Finance
  • Prof. Madhukant Sharma: Fractional Differential Equations, Optimization, Numerical Methods for PDEs
  • Prof. Manoj Raut: Mathematical Logic, Coding Theory
  • Prof. Mukesh Tiwari: Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, nonlinear science, complex networks with applications to social systems and complex time series.
  • Prof. Nabin Kumar Sahu: Frames and Wavelets, Tensors, Optimization
  • Prof. Pratim Roy: Theoretical Physics, ADS/CFT Duality, Quantum Field Theory
  • Prof. Prosenjit Kundu: Networked dynamical systems which includes studying synchronization, dimension reduction of networked dynamical systems etc.
  • Prof. Sudip Bera: Algebraic graph theory and Algebraic combinatorics
  • Prof. Sunitha V: Graph theory, graph algorithms and their applications in Interconnection Networks of HPC, Computer and Communication Networks, Complex Networks

Research Groups and Labs

  • Smart City Lab
  • Computational Science and HPC Lab
  • Stochastic Modeling & Simulation Lab
  • Complex Systems Group

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Sponsored Research Labs

Sponsored Research

Faculty Handbook

PI/Co-PI Project Title Funding Agency Duration Amount
Prof. Anil Roy / Prof. Bakul Gohel Development of Proof of Concept of “Optical Camera-based Smart Navigation System for Assisting Total Knee Arthroplasty” Gujarat Gas Ltd. Through GCSRA Feb 2023 to ongoing 52,75,308 INR
Prof. Bakul Gohel and Prof. Anil Roy validation of “HoloLens Based Mixed Reality and Tool Tracking System for the Total Knee Arthroplasty Application Arthro3D LLP, Ahmedabad May 2023 to ongoing 4,60,200 INR
Analysis of the kne3wiz software for bone model generation from CT scan for total knee arthroplasty application Arthro 3D LLP, Ahmedabad Sept 2021 to June 2022 (9 months) 6,00,000 INR
Prof. Bhaskar Chaudhury Computational investigations of instability driven transport in low temperature magnetized plasma discharges using massively parallel 2D-3v PIC-MCC simulations Govt. sponsored Project (National), National Supercomputing Mission, Gov. of India 2 years (March 2021 – March 2023) Rs. 26.95 Lakhs
Kinetic Modeling of Large size Negative Ion Sources for Fusion Application using Emerging Parallel Processing Computer Architectures Government sponsored Project (National), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)/ Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) 4 Years (March 2016- March 2020) Rs. 23.8 Lakhs
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of complex Plasma Dynamics during High Power Millimeter Wave Breakdown Govt. sponsored Project (National), SCIENCE & ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB), DST, Gov. of India. 3 years (March 2019 – March 2022) RS. 21.6 Lakhs
Satellite Network Simulator with ULPC and ACM features Govt. sponsored Project (National), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), Department of Space, Gov. of India 2 years (Jan 2020 – Jan 2022) Rs. 14.18 Lakhs
establishing CUDA teaching center and nVIDIA GPU Research Center (GRC) at DAIICT, Gandhinagar Industry sponsored project, nVIDIA Corporation, USA 2014 -2016 Research Hardware Support (nVIDIA GPUs) . Rs. 5.00 Lakhs
NSF/TCPP CDER Center Early Adopter proposal – theNSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum
Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing - Fall 2014. High Performance Computing for Computational Science at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India
International Sponsored Project, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA 2014 -2019 USD 2500
(Co-PI), Title: Development of geomagnetism based indoor navigation system using smartphones Gov. Sponsored Project, DST NRDMS, Gov. of India 2 years (Nov 2020 – Nov 2022) Rs. 27 Lakhs
(Co-PI), Title: Prototyping Dog Jacket for Real Time Rescue Operation inspired by Robotics Technology Gov. Sponsored Project, GUJCOST, Gov. of Gujarat 3 years (April 2022 – ) Rs. 19.83 Lakhs
Prof. Nabin Kumar Sahu Dynamical Sampling and Representation of Frames via Iterated Operator Systems SERB (DST) 3 Years Rs.16,16.032 Lakhs

Current Publications

Prof. Anil Roy

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Prof. Arnab Ray

  • Arnab K. Ray, Niladri Sarkar, Abhik Basu & Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee, Physics Letters A, 382, 3399, 2018
  • Abhin Kakkad, Harsh Vasoya & Arnab K. Ray, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31, 2050145, 2020
  • Arnab K. Ray, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11, 053, 2020

Prof. Arpita Mal

  • A. Mal, On joint numerical radius of operators and joint numerical index of a Banach space, Oper. Matrices, 17 (2023), no. 3, 839-856.
  • S. Ghosh, A. Mal, K. Paul and D. Sain, On symmetric points with respect to the numerical radius norm, Banach J. Math. Anal, 17 (2023) 25 pp.
  • A. Mal, An approximation problem in the space of bounded operators, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 44 (2023) no. 2, 124-137.

Prof. Bhaskar Chaudhury

  • Miral Shah, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Mainak Bandyopadhyay, and Arun Chakraborty; ‘Observation of double layer formation in low-temperature E × B plasma based negative ion sources’; Physics of Plasmas 30, 010701 (2023).
  • Pratik Ghosh and Bhaskar Chaudhury; ‘Efficient Dynamic Mesh Refinement Technique for Simulation of HPM Breakdown-Induced Plasma Pattern Formation’; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol: 51, Issue: 1, (2023).
  • Pratik Ghosh, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Shishir Purohit, Vishv Joshi, Ashray Kothari, Devdeep Shetranjiwala; ''Deep Learning assisted microwave-plasma interaction based technique for plasma density estimation"; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol 57, no. 1, (2023).

Prof. Gautam Dutta

  • Balancing on the edge, the golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequence and their generalization, Gautam Dutta, Mitaxi Mehta, Praveen Pathak, Eur. J. Phys. 39 (2018) 065805

Prof. Gopinath Panda

  • Equilibrium joining strategies of positive customers in a Markovian queue with negative arrivals and working vacations (with V. Goswami), Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 24 (3), 1439-1466
  • Multimedia content delivery services in the cloud with partial sleep and abandonment (with V. Goswami), The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (15), 17178-17201
  • Optimizing Flow Idle Timer in Reactive SDN (with S. Chaudhry, M. Yuksel), 2021 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN)

Prof. Jaideep Mulherkar

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Prof. Madhukant Sharma

  • Madhukant Sharma, Existence of optimal pairs and solvability of non-autonomous fractional Sobolev-type integrodifferential equations. Indian J Pure Appl Math (2023). https://doi.org /10.1007/s13226-023-00457-4
  • Madhukant Sharma, Udit Satija, MGDMD: Multi-Variate Generalized Dispersive Mode Decomposition, Signal Processing, Vol. 196, 108511, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.sigpro.2022.108511
  • Madhukant Sharma, Solvability and Optimal Control of Nonautonomous Fractional Dynamical Systems of Neutral-Type with Nonlocal Conditions, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, Vol. 45(6), pp. 2121 - 2133, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995- 021-01215-z

Prof. Manoj Raut

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Prof. Mukesh Tiwari

  • M Tiwari and Y Wong, Identification of topological measures of visibility graphs for analyzing transitions in complex time series, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 36, 2240080 (2022)
  • M Tiwari, X Yan and S Sen, Modeling the nonlinear effects of opinion kinetics in elections: A simple Ising model with Random field based study, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 582, 126287 (2021)
  • ML Iglesias, M Tiwari, VM Kenkre, S Gonçalves, Energy Exchange calculations in a simple mechanical system to investigate the origin of friction, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 36, 2240004 (2022)

Prof. Nabin Kumar Sahu

  • R. Mohanty, N. K. Sahu, A. K. Pradhan, Time-domain techniques for line protection using three dimensional Cartesian coordinates, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 37 (5) (2022), 3740-3751
  • Ekta Rajput, N. K. Sahu, Representation of frames as regular k-distance sets, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 13(5) (2022) 1-20
  • Nabin Kumar Sahu and Shalini Chauhan, Representations of frames via iterative actions of operators in tensor product spaces, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications (To appear) (2023)

Prof. Pratim Roy

  • On the time dependence of holographic complexity in a dynamical Einstein-dilaton model (Journal of High Energy Physics, 11 (2018) 138
  • On subregion action complexity in AdS3 ​and in the BTZ black hole (Journal of High Energy Physics, 01 (2020) 066)
  • Aspects of entanglement in non-local field theories with fractional Laplacian (Journal of High Energy Physics, 06 (2022) 101)

Prof. Prosenjit Kundu

  • Mean-field theory for double-well systems on degree-heterogeneous networks, Authors: Prosenjit Kundu, Neil G. MacLaren, Hiroshi Kori, and Naoki Masuda. Journal Ref.: Proc. Royal Soc. A, 478, 20220350 (2022)
  • Perfect synchronization in complex networks with higher order interactions, Authors: Sangita Dutta, Prosenjit Kundu, Pitambar Khanra, Chittaranjan Hens, and Pinaki Pal. Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. E, 108, 024304 (2023) (Corresponding author)
  • Dimension reduction of dynamical systems on networks with leading and nonleading eigenvectors of adjacency matrices, Authors: Naoki Masuda and Prosenjit Kundu. Journal Ref.: Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023257 (2022). Publisher: American Physical Society (Impact Factor: 4.2)

Prof. Sudip Bera

  • Sudip Bera and H. K. Dey, On the proper enhanced power graphs of finite nilpotent groups, Journal of Group Theory, 25 (2022) 1109-1131 (DOI: 10.1515/jgth-2022-0057)
  • Sudip Bera, Line graph characterization of power graphs of finite nilpotent groups, Communications in Algebra, 50 (2022) 4652-4668, (https://doi.org/10.1080/00927872.2022.2069793)
  • Sudip Bera, Combinatorialization of Sury and McLaughlin Identities and General Linear Recurrences by a Unified Approach, Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, ECA 1:1 (2021), S2R5, (https://doi.org/10.54550/ECA2021V1S1R5)

Prof. Sunitha V

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