Neelanshi Varia, Chair, IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter (BTech 4th year) and Siddharth Mishra, Vice Chair, IEEE SB DA-IICT (BTech 4th Year) have received travel grant to attend the IAS Annual Meeting held at Portland, USA during 23-27 September 2018.
Divyakumar Solanki, Chair, IEEE SB DA-IICT (BTech 4th Year) was selected to attend the All India Students – Young Professionals Women In Engineering Congress(AISYWC), VVIET, Mysore, Karnataka during 28-30 September 2018.
Anery Patel, Secretary, IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter (BTech 3rd Year) and Raksha Rank, Vice Chair, IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter (BTech 3rd Year) received IEEE IAS Travel and attendee grant to attend Women In Engineering International Leadership Sum
Ms. Jinal Parikh, B.Tech student, is selected as Google Women Techmakers Scholar 2017
Three teams from DA-IICT took part in the Ingenious Hackathon organised at Ahmedabad University by the IEEE Student Branch